We ship your parcels
We ship your parcels
anywhere in the world
anywhere in the world
Do you have a parcel to send from Abidjan to the rest of the world ?
Get in touch Jexport Colis and enjoy our low rates !
- Prices tailored to your needs
- Premium carriers
- Real-time tracking of your shipments
- Happy customers

Optimize your import-export logistics
A digital solution dedicated to professionals to boost your operational performance

Our services
An innovative, tailor-made logistics service with the most competitive offers

Transport Courier
Shipping and delivery service for parcels and documents everywhere in Côte d'Ivoire .

Provision of services
With our provisioning service, benefit from a tailor-made delivery and dispatch service for all your contractual needs (over a specific period)

With our freight service, you now have the opportunity to send all your parcels and mail anywhere in the world at the best rates in absolute security .

We have the most suitable warehouse to suit your products requirements.

Our IT team can build your e-commerce website in an agile manner with a customization of your supply chain.

We provide the best innovative solutions for your logistics' entire design and digitalisation.

Do you want to buy in China and receive your parcels in Abidjan ?
Do you want to buy in China and receive your parcels in Abidjan ?
With our Jexport purchasing centre, you can entrust us with :
- The purchase and shipment of all your items from China to Ivory Coast with reliable suppliers
- Reliable and secure shipping of all your parcels from China to Ivory Coast

Our shipping solution will make it much easier for you. Fill out the form to get a quote for your shipment, select the offer that best suits your needs and continue.

Our partners